Sustainability Message

Our mission is to build relationships of trust with our customers by creating true value, to grow with our customers, and to contribute to the development of society. With this mission in mind, we conduct our business activities toward creating an enriched society based on ESG principles. We also support climate change actions recommended by TCFD and continue to actively work toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a member of the global society.

Kazuhiko Tamaoki, Representative Director and President
Kazuhiko Tamaoki
Representative Director and President


As for the environment, based on the recognition that preservation of the global environment is one of the most important management issues, we are committed, as stated in our Environmental Policy, to finding a balance between pursuing economic activities and preserving the global environment in all aspects of our business. In particular, as we consider that global warming is a critical issue, we are doing our best to reduce greenhouse gas and to create a recycling-oriented society through IT, including support for the TCFD recommendations in addressing climate change. Examples of our efforts include helping corporations to reduce environmental impact in executing their business in the production and transportation areas by providing them with optimized solutions, and monitoring and forecasting climate change through the operation of Japan’s Himawari meteorological satellites. We also offer environmentally friendly cloud services through our energy efficient data centers.

Social Initiatives

As for our social initiatives, amid the increasingly complex and advanced business environment of our customers and the rapid advancement of IT, we continue to explore the potential of IT and work together with our customers to meet various needs in our society and to create new value. Our efforts to provide solutions to social issues through IT include creating safe work sites through IoX solutions and strengthening quality control through enhanced traceability in designing and production areas. We are also taking internal actions, including measures to encourage diversity and inclusion, particularly for the active participation of female workers, work practice reform, and health and productivity management to respect the personality, individuality, and diversity of all individuals and to create an environment in which everyone can work together comfortably and fully demonstrate their abilities.

Strengthening Governance

As for governance, we have put in place a corporate governance system appropriate to our group business to realize sound and sustainable growth and to improve our medium- and long-term corporate value. We have also established the NSSOL Group Global Code of Business Conduct, under which we conduct our business activities with respect for all human rights and a high sense of ethics. To improve quality, we promote organizational activities for project risk management and quality management to provide high- quality IT solutions and IT services that are trusted by and satisfactory to our customers.

We continue to work hard to realize a sustainable society as well as the sustainable growth of our company through our ESG initiatives as described above.