Business Performance Over Time

  • IFRS

Revenue (Consolidated)

(Yen in millions)

(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
- - 270,332 291,688 310,632

Operating profit (Consolidated) and
Operating profit margin

Operating profit (Consolidated)
Operating profit margin (Consolidated)
(Yen in millions)

Operating profit (Consolidated)(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
- - 29,886 31,738 35,001

Operating profit margin (Consolidated)(%)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
- - 11.8 10.9 11.3

Profit attributable to owners of parent (Consolidated)

(Yen in millions)

(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
- - 20,521 22,000 24,241

Total assets・Total equity (Consolidated)

(Yen in millions)

Total assets (Consolidated)(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
- - 325,764 319,908 374,637

Total equity (Consolidated)(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
- - 204,569 207,800 244,783

Basic earnings per share (consolidated)



FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
- - 224.27 240.46 264.96

Net Sales (Consolidated)

(Yen in millions)

(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
255,116 274,843 251,992 270,332 -

Operating profit (Consolidated) and
Operating profit margin

Operating profit (Consolidated)
Operating profit margin (Consolidated)
(Yen in millions)

Operating profit (Consolidated)(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
25,385 28,387 24,549 29,815 -

Operating profit margin (Consolidated)(%)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
10.0 10.3 9.7 11.0 -

Ordinary profit (Consolidated)

(Yen in millions)

(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
25,812 28,275 25,101 30,811 -

Profit attributable to owners of parent (Consolidated)

(Yen in millions)

(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
16,713 18,552 16,982 19,977 -

Total assets・Net assets (Consolidated)

(Yen in millions)

Total assets (Consolidated)(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
232,779 240,448 272,223 296,790 -

Net assets (Consolidated)(Yen in millions)

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
145,901 155,392 186,128 203,429 -

Net income per share (consolidated)



FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
178.44 202.76 185.60 218.33 -