IR Basic Policy
1. Information Disclosure Standards
NSSOL will disclose information to investors in compliance with the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, other laws and regulations, and the timely disclosure rules stipulated by the financial instrument exchanges on which the company’s securities are listed. In addition to information subject to the rules on timely disclosure, we will proactively disclose, to the greatest extent possible, information that may be useful to investors when making investment decisions, as well as abiding by the Fair Disclosure Rules.
2. Methods of Information Disclosure
Information for which disclosure is required by the Companies Act (e.g., business reports) will be sent to shareholders and promptly posted on the NSSOL website or otherwise disclosed in an appropriate manner. Information for which disclosure is required by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act or the timely disclosure rules stipulated by financial instrument exchanges is disclosed through EDINET, the Financial Services Agency’s electronic disclosure system, and TDnet, the timely disclosure information transmission system provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, as well as to various media outlets. We will also post this information on the NSSOL website to ensure that it is communicated fairly and widely to investors.
3. Quiet Periods
Please note that in order to ensure fairness in the disclosure of financial information, we have established a “quiet period” during the period leading up to the announcement of each quarter’s financial results as described below, during which we refrain from commenting on or responding to questions regarding our financial results. However, in the event of a significant change in business performance that would fall under the timely disclosure rules, we will promptly disclose relevant information in accordance with “2. Methods of Information Disclosure” above.
Quiet Periods
- First quarter results: from June 15
- Second quarter results: from September 14
- Third quarter results: from December 14
- Fourth quarter results: from March 15